Aventuras: Our Lady of Guadalupe

Last Saturday, we saw Mary.

In Mexico City.

In person.

O.K., maybe I should explain myself a bit. We had the distinct privilege of visiting the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and seeing Juan Diego’s tilma in person. For those who are not familiar with the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, take a few moments to read it here.

Trinity TilmaWhile I have often desired and prayed to see this wonderful piece of living history in person, I never knew that I would have a chance to actually come and see Our Lady of Guadalupe. In the tilma displayed in the Basilica, we see an imprint that can not be explained by human scientific reason. Analysis of the tilma has shown time and again that the origins of the image are unexplainable, but for one with the eyes of faith, there is certainly an explanation: the Holy Trinity. The tilma is full of imagery, bringing together Christian and Aztec symbolism. One of my favorite parts of the tilma are, surprise surprise – this is the Believing Astronomer after all, the stars painted on the brilliant field of blue. The arrangement of these stars corresponds to that of the Winter Solstice in 1531, when the Juan Diego unfurled the tilma in front of Bishop bishop Zumarraga.

Throughout the day, we received a behind-the-scenes view of the Basilica, as well as presentation and tour from one of the Basilica’s canons, Msgr. Jorge Palencia. Msgr. Palencia gave us a personal tour of the main sites on the Basilica’s grounds, including the site of the first church, Tepayac Hill, where Juan Diego saw the apparitions, the parish church that stands next to the Old Basilica, and the museum in the Old Basilica itself. Having Mgsr. Palencia with us was a great joy, as he gave us insights that only someone intimately connected with the site could give.


The Tilma depicting the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (difficult to get a good picture from the viewing area)

The highlight of the day, however, was Mass. Shortly after arriving and seeing the tilma for the first time, we were escorted up to the sacristy where we vested for Mass. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, so I (and I suspect quite a few others of us) received a bit of shock when we processed out to the main altar. The Basilica was full, probably around four to five thousand people, and there we were, some wayward seminarians from the United States, sitting up in the sanctuary, just feet from the tilma itself and having the honor to serve at Mass with at least 20 priests and (from what I could tell) one or two bishops. Here was one of the most well-known images of Christ’s mother, and then He became present on the altar during Mass. An awesome moment, in every sense of the word…

In Our Lady of Guadalupe we find a point of unification for all people of the American, no matter what their culture or skin color. My own relationship with her did not blossom until many years after my baptism, but it wasn’t until I gave myself completely to her Son, through her help and intercession, that everything in my life finally come into focus.

No tengo palabras para describir lo que sentí en mi corazón el sábado pasado, pero sé que la experiencia hablará mi alma. Oremos por la intercesión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, guiándonos siempre a su Hijo, Jesucristo. I do not have the words to describe what was on my heart last Saturday, but I know that the experience continues to speak to my soul. Let us pray for the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, always guiding us to her son, Jesus Christ.

Our Lady of Guadalupe spoke and continues to speak to my heart, and she continues to do so to all peoples, ultimately drawing everyone, if they are willing, toward Jesus Christ. In Christ that we find the ultimate meaning of our lives: to know God, to love Him, and to serve Him in this life and to be with Him in the next.

While at the Basilica, we prayed for you all, and I prayed especially for those intentions that were sent to me. Thank you very much, and please continue to keep us in your prayers!


Some Pictures from the day (use the navigation arrows below to advance of move back):

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4 thoughts on “Aventuras: Our Lady of Guadalupe

  1. What a wonderful post!! We were thinking of you last night at Stephen’s Diaconate Ordination. It was absolutely beautiful. The cathedral was packed and there were probably 20 deacons and 40 priests attending. I was blown away when all of the priests began praying the consecration together, it was powerful. So I can imagine how beautiful it was to serve mass alongside so many other priests at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Did you have to pinch yourself?

    There’s a fascinating link between your post about the constellation on the tilma and the homily at the Diaconate Ordination. We celebrated the Feast of St. John the Baptist and the bishop explained that John’s birth occurred at the Summer Solstice where the light of the sun is at its peak and begins to diminish each day just like John says “He must increase and I must decrease” (John 3:30). Jesus’ birth takes place at the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year which marks the time when the sunlight (symbolic of Christ’s light) will grow with each day passing. John is Summer Solstice and Jesus can be represented by Winter. AND…the tilma with Our Lady has the stars of the Winter Solstice! WHAAAT??! My mind is blown a little. She is always pointing to Our Lord, always.

    Perhaps you already knew this information…but it was news to me. I am continually falling in love with God through His rich detail and beauty and loved the connection between last night’s homily and your discovery at Guadalupe. Praying for you, my friend.


    • Isn’t God good? 🙂 Thank you for this! There are always these signs pointing to Christ if we have eyes to see and ears to hear…

      I so wish i could have been at the ordination, but alas, I am a bit busy elsewhere at the moment, haha. Thank you very much for your prayers. I prayed for all of you, and Stephen, at the Basilica, and I continue to do so each day. Safe travels on your wonderful adventure. I love the pictures!

      Dios te bendiga!


  2. Dear Brother Dean,
    Glad you got there safe. Excited for you seeing Juan’s Tilma. The Virgin Mary is our help in time of need. Be safe. Enjoy the stars in the Southern Hemisphere. Thy light up our lives wit the realization that there is a Creator.
    in Christ’s love


  3. Pingback: Juno’s Jovian Journey is Just Beginning – Quick Facts | The Believing Astronomer

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